The Advisor Guide to Advising

Advising Roles and Responsibilities 

Delve deeper into the roles and responsibilities of advising for newcomers, the education navigator, and faculty advisors to gain a thorough understanding of each stakeholder's contributions.

New Students

  • Complete career exploration (Embark)
  • Complete NC Residency (RDS)
  • Apply to 推荐正规买球平台
  • Apply for financial aid
  • Submit official transcripts
  • Regularly check their email and application hub for next steps
  • Meet with an education navigator

Education Navigator

  • Serves as point of contact prior to and during the first term
  • Aids students in exploring and selecting academic pathways
  • Guide students in initial academic planning, advising, and registration
  • Offers support and outreach to address academic challenges and develop skills
  • Connects students to support services and resources

Faculty Advisor

  • Serves as primary point of contact second term and beyond
  • Explores career options
  • Creates and reviews ongoing academic plan
  • Answers registration questions
  • Identifies resources to address academic/ life challenges

Advising Sequence

Explore the advising sequence through these checklists, both prior to, during, and following your appointment, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the process.

Before Appointment

  • Check hours in the Advising Hub to see who is ready to graduate
  • Check progress in Self-Service to see what courses the student has already completed and what courses they lack
  • Use the Advising Hub to check in with advisees in a few weeks into the semester
  • Check Alerts in the Advising Hub
  • Check to see if the student has entered a Course Plan in the Advising Hub

During Appointment

  • Review or create a Course Plan in Self-Service
  • If the student needs help with registration, show the student how to register in Self-Service so next time they can do it on their own
  • Click "Advisement Complete" button in Self-Service
  • If reviewed Course Plan, click on "Review Complete" in Self-Service

After Appointment

  • Make a note in Self-Service that gives a brief summary of the appointment
  • Approve Course Plan in Self-Service so the student can register
  • Provide ongoing support and monitoring of student progress in the Advising Hub

The First Advising Meeting

Here are some questions you might ask at the first advising session with a new student. These questions can set the foundation for responsive, informed advising that is student-centered and goal-oriented:

  • What future occupation or general career are you thinking about?
  • What activities do you enjoy outside of school?
  • What are your greatest strengths that you bring to your experience at 推荐正规买球平台?
  • Do you plan to transfer to a university or college after your time at 推荐正规买球平台? Which school are you considering?
  • What do you intend to major in?
  • Are you a caregiver for others?
  • How are you planning to pay for college?
  • Do you need help filling out your FAFSA? (can refer to Financial Aid)
  • How will you get to campus for your classes?
  • How many hours do you plan to work each week while at 推荐正规买球平台?
  • What do you look forward to experiencing at 推荐正规买球平台?
  • What obstacles do you anticipate while you are at 推荐正规买球平台?
  • What other questions do you have?

Goal Setting Worksheet

Setting and achieving goals can be a challenge for students. Students may find this worksheet
helpful as they set their academic, personal, and career goals.

Check Program Process

Unlock the power of Self-Service to monitor a student's academic journey, so you can keep them on schedule.

View Program Progress Details

Academic Alert With Guide

Learn to submit and understand academic alerts, what they mean, and why your student has one.

Access Academic Alerts

  • Placement Tools

    All the details you need to advise a student on taking a placement test, including required scores and assessment tools.

  • Transfer Resources

    Learn all about students transferring to a four-year program, including how to and enhanced partnerships.

  • Transfer Guides

    A four-year degree plan that maps out the requirements for each baccalaureate degree in the UNC system.

  • Graduation

    All details about applying for graduation, ordering cap and gown, rehearsal, and dates and times.

  • Self-Service

    A quick link to your source for checking students information, progress on their journey, and much more.